While there may appear to be more acceptance of people with diverse sexual orientation, many more people who identify in an area of the LGBT, or lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, community are seeking LGBT counseling. Some seek this LGBT counseling for general issues, such as depression, anxiety or relationships. Others may seek LGBT counseling for help with issues related to their gender identity or orientation. Approximately 3 percent to 5 percent of the entire population of the United States identify themselves as homosexual. There are more than 700,000 transgendered citizens in the United States facing all sorts of issues, both by their gender identification, as well as other issues we mentioned.
People seeking LGBT counseling may be feeling the result of stressors not experienced by the straight population. While there is more social acceptance of the LGBT community, there are still prejudices that are faced by this community. This discrimination or non acceptance is more prevalent outside of major cities. Because of the prejudice, coming out to a family, or sorting out feelings of self, many people seek LGBT counseling. For instance, being gay in a workplace or even out in public in general may not be easy and can present a set of problems straight people do not face. LGBT counseling can help.
LGBT counseling may also be for the same issues that straight people experience. For instance, gay couples may be facing relationship issues such as needing marriage counseling. Those seeking LGBT counseling are part of the same statistics that affect all couples. The average age for couples going through their first divorce is 30 years old, and the average length of divorce proceedings in the United States is approximately one year.
As we stated, many in the LGBT community are seeking help from Lgbt therapists for issues such as discomfort with his or her sexual identity. In addition, those seeking counseling may be ways to come out to family and friends. There are many other issues faced by this community that are specific concerns that may be assisted through LGBT counseling.
If you or someone you know feels the need for LGBT counseling or LGBT relationship Counseling, you can find referrals and information on the Internet, or even community outreach programs.
For more about this, go here.
I am so happy to hear there are services to serve my community!
Yup, it is true, the LGBT community faces the same emotion issues as the straight community.
Yup, it is true, the LGBT community faces the same emotion issues as the straight community.
Yup, it is true, the LGBT community faces the same emotion issues as the straight community.
Yup, it is true, the LGBT community faces the same emotion issues as the straight community.
Yup, it is true, the LGBT community faces the same emotion issues as the straight community.
Yup, it is true, the LGBT community faces the same emotion issues as the straight community.
Yup, it is true, the LGBT community faces the same emotion issues as the straight community.
Yup, it is true, the LGBT community faces the same emotion issues as the straight community.
Yup, it is true, the LGBT community faces the same emotion issues as the straight community.
Yup, it is true, the LGBT community faces the same emotion issues as the straight community.
Yup, it is true, the LGBT community faces the same emotion issues as the straight community.
Yup, it is true, the LGBT community faces the same emotion issues as the straight community.
Yup, it is true, the LGBT community faces the same emotion issues as the straight community.
Yup, it is true, the LGBT community faces the same emotion issues as the straight community.
Yup, it is true, the LGBT community faces the same emotion issues as the straight community.
Yup, it is true, the LGBT community faces the same emotion issues as the straight community.
Yup, it is true, the LGBT community faces the same emotion issues as the straight community.