Many pageant coaches agree that it can be very difficult to win a beauty pageant and become a beauty queen. In addition to looking absolutely gorgeous, beauty pageant contestants are judged on their physical fitness, their poise, their ability to speak in public, their community service records, and their fashion sense. Furthermore, these pageant contestants must answer several beauty pageant interview questions which address a variety of subjects. Some of these beauty pageant interview questions are rather easy, and others are rather difficult. One of the most popular beauty pageant interview questions asks the participant what she would do if she won a million dollars. Another one of the most popular beauty pageant interview questions asks the participant about her deepest wish for the world. Thousands of contestants in the past have answered these beauty pageant interview questions in the same way. They want world peace. Consequently, many pageant interview coaches discourage their clients from reusing this stock answer when they confront these popular beauty pageant interview questions; they believe that this answer has become a cliche by now.
If a beauty pageant contestant excels in all of these fields, she will be rewarded with a title (often called a tiara or a crown, depending upon the pageant), beautiful sashes, saving bonds and cash prizes which range from five to five thousand dollars. Furthermore, beauty pageant winners also earn lasting fame in their hometowns and home states; for many beauty pageant contestants, this is the most rewarding perk about winning a beauty pageant. They believe this because they are often given ticker tape parades when they return home.
These coaches encourage newcomers to learn the ropes at a local competition; they discourage newcomers from attending international pageants because these pageants often involve hundreds (if not thousands) of contestants, many of whom have years more experience than the newcomers. These coaches encourage their clients to start preparing for beauty pageants early in their lives. Many of these coaches encourage parents to enroll their children in children’s beauty pageants, a relatively recent phenomenon which began in 1961 in New Jersey when the state hosted the “Little Miss America Pageant.” However, many other coaches and parents disagree with this rather aggressive pageant coaching strategy; they argue that it promotes sexism and deprives the children of control of their lives.
I agree with the experts who suggest that children’s beauty pageants promote sexism. These girls are being indoctrinated! They are being forced to live up to unrealistic expectations about beauty! What’s more, these ideas about beauty are enforced by men! It makes me angry!
Yes, I agree with the above poster. Have you ever noticed that all of the judges of these beauty contests are men? There’s a conspiracy going on, I swear!
Yes, I agree with the above poster. Have you ever noticed that all of the judges of these beauty contests are men? There’s a conspiracy going on, I swear!
Yes, I agree with the above poster. Have you ever noticed that all of the judges of these beauty contests are men? There’s a conspiracy going on, I swear!
Yes, I agree with the above poster. Have you ever noticed that all of the judges of these beauty contests are men? There’s a conspiracy going on, I swear!
Yes, I agree with the above poster. Have you ever noticed that all of the judges of these beauty contests are men? There’s a conspiracy going on, I swear!
Yes, I agree with the above poster. Have you ever noticed that all of the judges of these beauty contests are men? There’s a conspiracy going on, I swear!
Yes, I agree with the above poster. Have you ever noticed that all of the judges of these beauty contests are men? There’s a conspiracy going on, I swear!
Yes, I agree with the above poster. Have you ever noticed that all of the judges of these beauty contests are men? There’s a conspiracy going on, I swear!
Yes, I agree with the above poster. Have you ever noticed that all of the judges of these beauty contests are men? There’s a conspiracy going on, I swear!
Yes, I agree with the above poster. Have you ever noticed that all of the judges of these beauty contests are men? There’s a conspiracy going on, I swear!
Yes, I agree with the above poster. Have you ever noticed that all of the judges of these beauty contests are men? There’s a conspiracy going on, I swear!
Yes, I agree with the above poster. Have you ever noticed that all of the judges of these beauty contests are men? There’s a conspiracy going on, I swear!
Yes, I agree with the above poster. Have you ever noticed that all of the judges of these beauty contests are men? There’s a conspiracy going on, I swear!
Yes, I agree with the above poster. Have you ever noticed that all of the judges of these beauty contests are men? There’s a conspiracy going on, I swear!
Yes, I agree with the above poster. Have you ever noticed that all of the judges of these beauty contests are men? There’s a conspiracy going on, I swear!
Yes, I agree with the above poster. Have you ever noticed that all of the judges of these beauty contests are men? There’s a conspiracy going on, I swear!
Yes, I agree with the above poster. Have you ever noticed that all of the judges of these beauty contests are men? There’s a conspiracy going on, I swear!