How the Asphalt Paving Process Works – Kredy Online

for driveways, roads, or parking spots? Paving can be a straightforward process. Here is a quick description of the procedure.

The initial step of the process is to make sure the area that is being paved is clear of obstructions. They remove any loose materials like rocks or stones that can create cracks in the asphalt. The paving firm will get rid of any roots and then apply herbicide to stop the growth of new plants under asphalt.

The paving business then sets down the base rock aggregate, and grade it according to the clients prefer. This aggregate of base rock is then rolled flat using an equidistant roller that weighs three tons. The liquid is applied to cement the base layer to the new asphalt.

Following the addition of the Colas liquids, now it’s time for hot mix of asphalt. The vibratory roller compacts most of this layer but a hand compactor or heavy tamping is used to level out corners or areas that are difficult to reach.

When the asphalt paving firm completes all the above steps, the process of paving asphalt is complete. If the asphalt is able to get the customer’s seal of approval, it is in good condition to be driven on after it is dry.


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