Are You Eligible For Medicare? – How Old Is the Internet

Who can be eligible for Medicare? Is Medicare available to you? Well, in this video, an expert will let you know who qualifies for Medicare and tell you if you’re one of those.

It’s crucial to not miss your initial enrollment time to enroll in Medicare. It is possible that you will have to pay costs until you are enrolled in Medicare. If you’re a citizen permanent of the United States, your eligibility for Medicare starts at the age of 65. Your Medicare enrollment is not dependent upon the status of your Social Security eligibility status. It is possible to enroll in Social Security at age 62 or later, however you may delay the process until you reach 70. If you sign up for Social Security prior to age 65, you will automatically be enrolled in Medicare when you turn 65. It is an excellent opportunity to make sure you get the right health care.

Wathc through this whole video to understand all you can about Medicare enrollment from an expert. You can also learn the distinction of Medicare and Medicaid. Learn about this before you get nearer to being 65 years old, so you can prepare for the changes that are coming.


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