Life insurance isn’t for everybody.
But it’s for more people than you think.
Let’s put together a list of likely candidates: see if you’re on it…
1. Parents with children.
The obvious choice. If the principal breadwinner dies, what does the family do to keep going? This is why many employers offer life insurance as a benefit and its is usually much appreciated. Helping decide how much insurance is needed is something a Seattle life insurance broker can help you decide.
2. Single parent with kids.
Another obvious choice. If you die, you want to make sure your kids have a future. Seattle life insurance brokers can help plan for that.
3. Non breadwinning parent.
Your spouse makes the money and brings home the bread. But what happens if you die? Seattle life insurance specialists will quickly note that replacing you requires services of a caregiver, housecleaner, taxi service, homework tutor…you name it. There is a cost to all of that. A seattle life insurance agent can help you determine the insurance needed.
4. Married senior citizen.
Many senior citizens figure that once the mortgage is burned and Social Security and pensions kick in, there’s no need for life insurance. But if your spouse will suffer financially when you die, especially if your spouse is infirm, life insurance can help ease the burden. Of course, the older you are, the most expensive life insurance is. A Seattle life insurance office can help you decide if life insurance makes sense.
5. Single person.
Why would a single person need life insurance? If you have parents who are still alive and for whom you some care or support (or could in the future), a life insurance policy can leave behind money to care for your parents should something befall you. If you have a brother or sister who has special needs, proceeds from your life insurance policy might make a whole world of difference to your sibling. You may also use a life insurance policy’s proceeds to benefit an organization or someone who has meant a great dal to you. A Seattle life insurance specialist can be of great benefit..
6. Principal owner of a business.
Suppose you have a small business that will have difficulty surviving if you get hit by a piece of space junk? Many corporations have key executive insurance for just this purpose, providing money for finding a replacement for you or buying time until others can get up to speed to fill your shoes. A Seattle life insurance specialist can help, but you can also find expertise in Boise life insurance brokers, Idaho life insurance agencies, Oregon life insurance brokers, Portland life insurance specialists and Utah life insurance outlets..