When it comes to the patch management process, the most prudent way to make sure that each device on a specific network adheres to immediate patch management process needs is to automate the entire affair. Fortunately, there are many programs out there today that are designed to fully automate the patch management process across any network, from the tiny to the massive. The trick is to find such a program that can automate the patch management process on your network effectively, and that is fully compatible with the operating systems you wish to use these programs with.
To begin, look for reviews of various programs online that are designed to automate the patch management process in full for your particular devices. Once you find a compatible and reliable program designed to automate the patch management process for your particular devices, go ahead and install this program to each such device on your network. If you run more than one OS on your network, you may need more than one program that can automate the patch management process for you, so do bear this in mind as you search.
It should be noted that network security in general is only as solid as the weakest link in the chain, so the integrity of your data and indeed the hardware devices on your network themselves are at a high risk of hacker attacks, virus intrusion, and other malware if you do not take the patch management process seriously. Making sure that any program or programs that you use to automate the patch management process are fully compatible with each device is absolutely crucial to your success in this matter, so make sure that you are perfectly certain of your choices before downloading and installing any particular program in general.